↓Please register as a Makuake member & follow Valis official Twitter and wait until the event↓

Thank you very much for your heartfelt support and messages of encouragement for the first and second editions of the Valis Revival Support Project.
Our initial goals were ``I want to create an opportunity for Valis fans to gather like a class reunion,'' ``I want to enliven the revival of Valis with all the fans,'' and ``I want people who don't know Valis to get to know them.'' I feel strongly that we are on the way to realizing this goal.
Although we have received many requests from fans, we have been making preparations and adjustments to respond to the popular Valis title, which was not included in the past two works. We have officially decided to develop "Dream Warrior Valis COLLECTION 3 (tentative)"!
In order to deliver this work, which includes long-awaited works and is truly the culmination of Valis' revival, to more Valis fans, we would like to once again borrow the great help of Valis fans. We have planned the 3rd Support Project. Thank you very much for your support.
↓Please register as a Makuake member & follow Valis official Twitter and wait until the event↓